7 responses
And is it okay if people who know you from podcasts wishes you a happy birthday? *bats eyeslashes*
(And why can I post comments here but not on BEE? Weird!) And Dave... :) (Chanukah is in a couple of weeks, you know!)
We podcasters live off comments. I daresay any birthday wishes in comment fields would be gladly accepted if it allowed me to monetize my brand. ;-)
I guess it's a little late, but happy birthday, then, Anth! (Just in case it helps with the monetizing.)
I really do love getting those e cards Rachel. On twitter last week I posted 'I used the phrase 'personal brand' #inadrunkenstupor'. I loved the bit about Bob's hippie pizza joint.....
I'm glad! I enjoy my holidays, so I like to share.
Orange Juice & Cod! I almost spit out my coffee. Way to go Dave. Check this out: http://wn.com/Cod_Liver_Oil_And_The_Orange_Juice