MMVH40 - Twacelet On Yo Avatah

Twitter: @mcluhanesque
Discussion, Drink, Disaster, Driving, Debauchery - Mark Wahlberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Harmon, Mark Hamill, Mark Knopfler.

The Dave Brodbeck Orchestra with special guest: Kerry Fraser playing the FOX40 whistle.

The Bob Goyetche Dancers featuring: Ken Bole doing the Colorado Coughdrop Shuffle.

Thanks to Doug Slater for keeping the curtains.

#FOILcoin - $600
#RMFS Restless Middle Finger Syndrome

@Klourt - with new "Retrograde Syndication" Retsyn

Download our mBook at the McLuhanesque mBook Store

MMVH39 - A Saucerful of Sausage Gravy

Discussion, Drink, Disaster, Driving, Debauchery - Al Molinaro, Al Pacino, Al Franken, Al Gore, Al Green

This episode's word of week is HORTICULTURE

The Dave Brodbeck Orchestra with special guest: The Ebola Virus

The Bob Goyetche Dancers featuring: John Lee Dumas



#FOILcoin - $600

#RMFS Restless Middle Finger Syndrome

@Klourt - with new "Retrograde Syndication" Retsyn

Get the McLuhanesque Universe's first mBook!

Thanks to Doug Slater for keeping the curtains.

MMVH38 - Derek Sanderson's Loot Bag

Discussion, Drink, Disaster, Driving, Debauchery: Pernell Roberts, Bob Dylan, Dylan Thomas, Thomas Hardy, Hardy Astrom

The Dave Brodbeck Orchestra with special guest: Gary L. Davidson

The Bob Goyetche Dancers featuring: Designers of ello

Explore the Marshall McLuhan Variety Show Universe at

#FOILcoin - $600



#RMFS Restless Middle Finger Syndrome

@Klourt - with new "Retrograde Syndication" Retsyn

The mBook Store 

MMVH37 - Jet Fuel and Shawarmas

With very special guest: Mark Blevis, co-author of Touch: The Book

Discussion, Drink, Disaster, Driving, Debauchery: Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig

The McLuhanesque Universe: #FonzConYes, #FonzConNo, #FOILcoin - $600, @Klourt -, #RMFS, mBook Store

This episode's word of week is LONGITUDINAL

The Dave Brodbeck Orchestra with special guest: Maj. Mariam Al Mansouri

The Bob Goyetche Dancers featuring: People I'm Randomly Dropping from Twitter

Thanks to Doug Slater for keeping the curtains.

MMVH36 - What the Hague?

Please visit our universe at McLuhanesque!

Vote Today! 


Discussion, Drink, Disaster: Bon Scott, Bon Jovi, Bono Vox

#FOILcoin - $600
@Klourt - with new "Retrograde Syndication" Retsyn
#RMFS Restless Middle Finger Syndrome

The Dave Brodbeck Orchestra with special guest: Isis

The Bob Goyetche Dancers featuring: @valerieinto

Thanks to Doug Slater for keeping the curtains.

MMVH35 - FonzCon

Would you attend FonzCon? Hashtag #FonzConYes or #FonzConNo on Twitter.

Discussion, Drink, Disaster: Richie Cunningham, Warren "Potsie" Webber, Ralph Malph

The Dave Brodbeck Orchestra with special guest: John Meadows

The Bob Goyetche Dancers featuring: Dave Delaney

Our Partners: 
FOILcoin - $600
@Klourt - with new "Retrograde Syndication" Retsyn
RMFS - Restless Middle Finger Syndrome

This episode's word of week is RESPLENDENT

Thanks to Doug Slater for keeping the curtains.

MMTF33 - The Marcel Marceau Talk Festival

During the MMVH summer hiatus, the network is proud to present this summer replacement series

Party, Perform, Pontificate: Elle Macpherson, Ella Fitzgerald, L Ron Hubbard

The current value of #FOILcoin remains a stable investment at $76.50CDN

Marcel's @Klourt score lowered a lot on this episode, check yours at 

This episode's word of week is EUPHORIA.

The Dave Brodbeck Dancers with special guests: The CBC Sports department featuring Steve Armitage

The Anthony Marco Band featuring Jean Paul Sartre

No actual curtains were pulled during this show, but Marcel would like you to imagine there were.

Please keep spreading #Awareness about #RMFS Restless Middle Finger Syndrome 

MMVH32 - You Got Some Splodin' To Do

Discussion, Drink, Disaster: Neil Young, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Neil Patrick Harris

The current value of #FOILcoin is $76.50CDN

@Klourt - - Now with new Retrograde Syndication (Retsyn)

This episode's word of week is CRAPULENCE.

The Dave Brodbeck Orchestra with special guest: Neil DeGrasse Tyson

The Bob Goyetche Dancers featuring: Spiro Agnew

#RMFS Restless Middle Finger Syndrome #Awareness

Thanks to Doug Slater for keeping the curtains.

MMVH31 - Tom Seaver's Zombie Apocalypse

Discussion, Drink, Disaster: Tom Selleck, Tom Seaver, Tommy Douglas

#FOILcoin value as of publishing: $76.50 CDN

Bourbon news courtesy of Sku's Recent Eats.

This episode's word of week is PHOSPHORUS!

The Dave Brodbeck Orchestra with special guest: Iron Eyes Cody

The Bob Goyetche Dancers featuring: Ellis Valentine

#RMFS Restless Middle Finger Syndrome #Awareness

This month's banner sponsor: @Klourt -

Thanks to Doug Slater for keeping the curtains.